Woow..!! After Reading This, You Will Surely Eat Kamias Every Day..!!!

Native to the Philippines, Kamias or bilimbi is considered as one of the most underestimated fruits worldwide.
It is closely related to the balimbing or star fruit, but unlike this fruit, kamias has a sour flavor. This fruit-bearing tree is a great source of vitamins C and B, antioxidants, phosphorus, and iron.

Even though kamias is not popular like the other tropical fruits, it has high nutritional value, and you should give it a try!

 Woow..!! After Reading This, You Will Surely Eat Kamias Every Day..!!!

Health benefits of kamias :

1. Coughtreatment 

Mix a few grains of fennel, 3 grains of kamias, and sugar. Boil the mixture then steam for a few hours. You should divide the water in two. Drink the first half in the morning, before your breakfast, and the other half in the evening.

2. Diabetes treatment 

Kamias is recommended for people who suffer from diabetes. Crush 6 grains of kamias and mix them with a glass of water. Boil the mixture then make sure to strain the water. You should consume this 2 times a day.

3. Acne treatment 

Kamias contains acidic substances, which are extremely beneficial treatment in the case of acne. Juicet apply a crushed kamias on the affected ruang and let it stand for several minutes. Rinse with water.

4. Thrush treatment 

Even though it can be quite painful, this treatment is very effective. As we said before, kamias has acidic substances which can help treat thrush. Juicet put some crushed kamias on the affected ruang.

5. Rheumatism 

In order to relieve rheumatic pain, you should crush a handful of kamias leaves and one grain. Mix them with water and apply on the affected areas 2-3 times on a daily basis.

6. Muscle stiffness treatment 

You should mix one handful of kamias leaves, 10 grains of cloves, 15 grains of peppercorns, and one grain of kamias fruit. Apply the mixture on stiff muscles.

7. Toothache treatment 

Juicet crush kamias and apply on the painful tooth. In fact, kamias can provide better results than a pharmacy-bought painkiller.

Source : www. healthynationph. com

Woow..!! After Reading This, You Will Surely Eat Kamias Every Day..!!! Woow..!! After Reading This, You Will Surely Eat Kamias Every Day..!!! Reviewed by anda on 09.29 Rating: 5