Prepare Ginger In This Old Way and Prevent Cancer, Treat Arthritis, Reduce Cholesterol And Lower Blood Sugar levels ! ! !
Using its numerous health advantages, It‘s no wonder why ginger is utilized in folk medicine for centuries.
Numerous studies proved that It‘s powerful relaxing properties and help inside the treatment of sore muscles and aching back along with chronic pain and rheumatoid arthritis.
Moreover, ginger can enhance the blood circulation and relieve coughs, and a few recent studies showed that it must be beneficial inside the case of cancer.
Ginger was employed for treating arthritis, stomach pain, high blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Today, we‘ll present you a strong ginger recipe which can help you inside the treatment of various health issues :
Needed Ingredients
200 grams ginger (peeled and finely chopped)
50 ml lime juice
A couple of lemon slices
50 grams organic honey
1/2 cup of sparkling water
450 ml filtrated water
First, you should boil the water and add the ginger. Let the mixture simmer on low heat for another 5 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and let it cool.
Then, you should mix half a cup of ginger tea with 1/3 of a cup of syrup and half a cup of water. Add the lime juice or honey to taste. Make sure to mix well, and add the lemon slices as a garnish.
Sources and References:
Numerous studies proved that It‘s powerful relaxing properties and help inside the treatment of sore muscles and aching back along with chronic pain and rheumatoid arthritis.
Moreover, ginger can enhance the blood circulation and relieve coughs, and a few recent studies showed that it must be beneficial inside the case of cancer.
Ginger was employed for treating arthritis, stomach pain, high blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Today, we‘ll present you a strong ginger recipe which can help you inside the treatment of various health issues :
Needed Ingredients
200 grams ginger (peeled and finely chopped)
50 ml lime juice
A couple of lemon slices
50 grams organic honey
1/2 cup of sparkling water
450 ml filtrated water
First, you should boil the water and add the ginger. Let the mixture simmer on low heat for another 5 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and let it cool.
Then, you should mix half a cup of ginger tea with 1/3 of a cup of syrup and half a cup of water. Add the lime juice or honey to taste. Make sure to mix well, and add the lemon slices as a garnish.
Sources and References:
Prepare Ginger In This Old Way and Prevent Cancer, Treat Arthritis, Reduce Cholesterol And Lower Blood Sugar levels ! ! !
Reviewed by anda